About Me & This Blog

Being a doctoral candidate, I spend most of my time reading, writing, and studying. My area is eighteenth-century history, and my dissertation places me in Spain to do research during the 2010-2011 academic year. In addition to my dissertation research, I will help teachers at a secondary school in Sevilla develop their English-language curricula through an initiative funded by the Ministerio de EducaciĆ³n. In my spare time I play around with digital media. I have released over 15 musical recordings on various record labels around the world (US, CAN, UK, AUS) with licenses to various compilations, including one that debuted #1 on Billboard’s "Top Electronic Album Chart" in 2003. My digital photography and design have appeared on book covers, in newspapers, an online architectural database, museums, and exhibitions.

About This Blog 

While this blog contains random content, its posts will be geared towards life in southern Spain for a year beginning September 2010. Is is influenced by Charles Baudelaire's famous essay "The Painter of Modern Life." It showcases general - though I cannot promise unbiased - observations and reflections. Its purpose is to capture the present - the transient, the fleeting, and the contingent. Its audience is posterity.


Email: apainterofmodernlife (at) gmail (dot) com

Twitter: http://twitter.com/apoml

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/apainterofmodernlife


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